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KickDrum presents:

Moth’s Frog – https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Sedk2ITNyKCggybWzMbiW?si=tKIvcLZKQGqrIo1xQ2nU5g

Pléiade – https://www.instagram.com/pleiade.the.band/

Ski Club (MA) – https://open.spotify.com/artist/2HSLqq94Pp1hi0KVVEEWr9?si=EkMGzgQESpCk8OpCy7A7rw

Portes / Doors – 20:00
Spectacle / Show – 20:30

12$ en avance / in advance
$15 à la porte / at the doors

***Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.


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