Whitney K + His His + Clothilde | Casa Del Popolo

KickDrum présente / presents—Whitney K – https://whitneyk.bandcamp.com/His His – https://hishis.bandcamp.com/Clothilde– come n find out :)—Portes / Doors – 20h30Spectacle / Show

Whitney K + His His + Clothilde | Casa Del Popolo2024-05-29T21:31:38-04:00

Hour (PHL) . Hanako . Dorian Bell | Quai des Brumes

KickDrum présente / presents --- Hour (PHL): https://itshr.bandcamp.com/album/ease-the-work Hanako: https://open.spotify.com/album/2rb9oGkap3N3GsjFlpRdOP  Dorian Bell: https://dorianbell.bandcamp.com/track/up-to-speed — Portes / Doors – 20:30 Spectacle /

Hour (PHL) . Hanako . Dorian Bell | Quai des Brumes2024-05-23T01:10:54-04:00

clay pigeon (Album Release) + Marlaena Moore + Fruit Snack | Casa Del Popolo

KickDrum présente / presents—clay pigeon [Album release] – https://claypigeonmusic.bandcamp.com/Marlaena Moore - https://marlaenamoore.bandcamp.com/Fruit Snack - https://fruitsnacky.bandcamp.com/—Portes / Doors – 20hSpectacle / Show – 21h$12 adv

clay pigeon (Album Release) + Marlaena Moore + Fruit Snack | Casa Del Popolo2024-05-21T11:23:14-04:00

Telehorn [Album Release] + Alicia Clara + ACUA | Casa Del Popolo

KickDrum présente / presents—Telehorn [Album Release] – https://telehorn.bandcamp.com/Alicia Clara – https://aliciaclara.bandcamp.com/ACUA (Germany) – https://acua.bandcamp.com/—Portes / Doors – 20hSpectacle / Show –

Telehorn [Album Release] + Alicia Clara + ACUA | Casa Del Popolo2024-05-13T11:53:13-04:00

Cinder Well + Una Rose + Hannah Dauvergne | Casa Del Popolo

KickDrum et Worst Dad Ever présentent / present—Cinder Well – https://cinderwell.bandcamp.com/Una Rose - https://unarose.bandcamp.com/Hannah Dauvergne - Come find out :)—Portes /

Cinder Well + Una Rose + Hannah Dauvergne | Casa Del Popolo2024-04-23T09:21:49-04:00

Absolute Losers + Prism Shores + The Wesleys | Casa Del Popolo

KickDrum présente / presents — Absolute Losers –https://absolutelosers.bandcamp.com/ Prism Shores - https://prismshores.bandcamp.com/ The Wesleys - https://thewesleys.bandcamp.com/ — Portes / Doors –

Absolute Losers + Prism Shores + The Wesleys | Casa Del Popolo2024-04-11T15:01:47-04:00

Jon McKiel + L CON | Casa del Popolo

KickDrum présente / presents — Jon McKiel (NB) – https://jonmckiel.bandcamp.com/ L CON - https://lcon.bandcamp.com/ — Portes / Doors – 19h30 Spectacle

Jon McKiel + L CON | Casa del Popolo2024-03-31T20:49:16-04:00